
簡體中文 | 繁體中文 | English | 日本語

MTS provides complete technical translation and interpreting services by experienced, qualified experts with at least five years of demonstrated excellence in compliance-intensive industries. Its strong full-time translator force and huge free-lance network as well as its close tie with science & technical information departments in all industries in China ensures right translators with specific skill and industrial background for any job and rapid turnaround of thousands of pages in all major languages on the most highly specialized subjects.

[ Science & Technology ]

?Agriculture Automobile? Aerospace?
?Apparel & Fashion Chemical Engineering Computer & Software?
?Construction Civil Engineering Electronics & Electrical?
?Energy?? Environment Food & Beverage?
?Gifts & Crafts? Health & Beauty Home Supplies?
?Information Technology Industrial Supplies Metallurgy?
?Mathematics Medicine Materials?
?Network Engineering Office Supplies Power?
?Petroleum Packaging & Paper Printing & Publishing?
?Railway Real Estate Storage & Warehousing?
?Telecommunications? Textile Transportation?

[ Business & Laws ]

?E-commerce Finance Offerings and IPOs Securities
?Futures Insurance Immigration Documents Lease?
?Investment Taxation Tender Documents Laws
?Regulations Patent Technical Standards? Websites
?Prospectuses Brochures Advertisements Bids

[ Others ]

?Research Paper ?Culture Exchange? ?Sports ?News Reports
?Correspondence ?Curriculum Vitae ?Certificates? ?Video Subtitling



Address: Unit J-I, 15 Fl., Huangda Building, No. 28 Houdaixi Road, Xiamen 361004, P. R. China.
Tel: +86-592-5185976 5185977 5185112   Fax: +86-592-5185755
© 2000-2011 Xiamen Master Translation and Technology Services Co.,Ltd.
ICP備案: 閩ICP備09004873號
武威市| 玛纳斯县| 霍林郭勒市| 麻阳| 桂林市| 乐亭县| 左云县| 高阳县| 木兰县| 平江县| 芷江| 克拉玛依市| 嘉黎县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 鹤岗市| 临泉县| 平罗县| 黑山县| 黄石市| 太谷县| 繁昌县| 双江| 洪泽县| 枣强县| 嘉兴市| 博白县| 修武县| 澄迈县| 平罗县| 静宁县| 左贡县| 应城市| 郯城县| 潮州市| 紫云| 凭祥市| 定襄县| 安西县| 永吉县| 安义县| 新晃|